By William, on Virta for 5 months
I’m a science guy so I don’t take things at face value. I’ve worked at Sonora Quest Laboratory, part of the Banner Health System, as a System Production Manager for Anatomic Pathology for over 20 years. Part of my role is understanding the details behind how things work, which I also apply to my personal life. So, when I received an email from Banner Health about Virta, a new program for people with type 2 diabetes, I was pretty skeptical - I figured it was just another diet plan with little to no actual support.
But I was intrigued by the idea of reversal because I had never heard anything about it. As far as I knew, the only solution for type 2 diabetes was a mixture of expensive maintenance drugs. I wanted to learn more about it before making a decision. I went to Virta’s website, read all the articles, watched every video available and engaged with the user community. I even spent two weeks speaking with Virta’s team of physicians to fully understand the science behind the treatment. The key piece of information I learned was that my body had become carb intolerant. The more carbs I ate, and trust me when I say I ate a lot of bread and pasta, the more I seemed to depend on carbs. This is why I was having difficulty managing my blood sugars.
Starting Virta is the best decision I have ever made. It has fit quickly and seamlessly into my life because it is not a diet, it is a true lifestyle change. Another important factor, if not equal to the science, was the personalized support team dedicated to improvement of my health. There were immediate changes to how I felt and as I continued over the next few months my success was exciting and incredible! I have lost 45 pounds and have gone down from a 4X in men’s clothing down to an XL. These are truly life altering results and make me want to continue to succeed.
My participation in Virta, engaging with my support team and committing to this lifestyle change has been the best choice I have ever made about my health. I’m now the same weight I was in high school and am confident my health and lifestyle will continue to improve. My greatest health improvement is my blood sugar and A1c are both in a healthy range now. I have also been able to stop taking insulin (Tresiba) completely. Type 2 diabetes reversal, I never thought this would be possible!
I am so grateful to have finally found a science-based treatment that meets my needs and supports me in my journey to become healthier. Thanks Virta!