Rapid and sustained Rx cost reduction

Virta’s approach restores metabolic health while actually eliminating the need for expensive prescription medications. No tradeoffs required.

Clinical outcomes that last

Our peer-reviewed research demonstrates transformational health and economic outcomes.
See our research

HbA1c Reduction¹

Average decrease across all patients, including a 3.5 point reduction for those with A1c ≥ 9

Insulin Reduction¹

% of clinical trial patients who began on insulin and reduced or eliminated dosage at one year


% of patients remaining with Virta after one year.
A pile of empty prescription bottles

Patients are replacing drugs with the Virta treatment. Here's why.

Usual Care / DRUG THERAPY¹
Tech-enabled Management
Virta Health¹
HbA1c Change +0.2% -0.6% -1.3%
Medication Change +6% +3% -59%
Weight Loss 0 lbs -1 lbs -31 lbs

Pay for results, not promises

Virta only gets paid if we are successful in delivering real health improvement—the way all payment should work in healthcare.

100% fees at risk for:

  • A1c Improvements
  • Weight Loss
  • Prescription Reductions

We don't charge for:

  • Implementation
  • Non-participants
  • Engagement

Complete your diabetes portfolio by offering reversal

Virta improves your existing diabetes portfolio by providing the choice of reversal for patients who want to eliminate medications while restoring metabolic health. We employ licensed physicians and nurse practitioners, and deliver a high-touch, personalized experience to patients in all 50 states.

Virta easily integrates with your business

Commercial Fully Insured

  • Deliver a transformational clinical solution

    Virta’s medical providers complement PCP care, and are licensed to practice in all 50 states
  • Address high cost pharmacy spend

    Deliver transformative outcomes to the 40% of members with diabetes on high cost drugs.
  • Scale to your full membership

    Virta offers the infrastructure of an enterprise-grade vendor and can support massive, nationwide implementations.

Percent of commercial members with diabetes who are on high-cost Rx

Virta quickly and sustainably reduces the need for prescription medications, and can drastically lower Rx claims from members


  • Deliver breakthrough outcomes

    Employers are blown away by Virta’s clinical and economic impact, with more than 60% of patients achieving reversal
  • Unlock a new lever for cost savings

    Many employers have already tried diabetes management or prevention; reversal is a completely new avenue.
  • Win and retain more business

    Employers agree that Virta represents the next generation of chronic disease management

Percent of ASO patients achieving reversal

More than half of ASO patients who are with Virta for one year achieve diabetes reversal—lowering blood glucose below the diabetes threshold while removing all diabetes-specific medications.

Medicare Advantage

  • A proven solution for the Medicare population

    Virta achieves diabetes reversal rates of 60% within the 65+ population
  • Tackle diabetes and related co-morbidities

    Virta addresses both direct costs of diabetes as well as related risk factors such as cardiovascular health.
  • Support members who need it most

    Diabetes prevalence in Medicare is 2x the rest of the population, and Medicare patients often lack access to specialty diabetes care.

Diabetes prevalence in Medicare population, compared to entire population

Medicare patients are particularly hard-hit by the diabetes epidemic. Virta provides a solution to get Medicare patients healthy—and off of expensive prescription medications.

Concerned about Social Determinants of Health?

Virta delivers high-quality care to the patients who need it most.

Access to transportation

Virta is fully-virtual, available via telemedicine, across the entire U.S.

Access to food

We tailor recommendations to each person’s unique circumstances

Socio-economic status

We built our approach to serve everyone, across socioeconomic strata

Access to community

Patients safely connect with each other within our private community

Citations and Footnotes

  1. Hallberg SJ, McKenzie AL, Williams P, et al. Effectiveness and Safety of a Novel Care Model for the Management of Type 2 Diabetes at One Year: An Open Label, Non-Randomized, Controlled Study. Diabetes Ther. 2018. DOI: 10.1007/s13300-018-0373-9
  2. Cavaiola TS, Pettus JH. Management Of Type 2 Diabetes: Selecting Amongst Available Pharmacological Agents. [Updated 2017 Mar 31]. In: Feingold KR, Anawalt B, Boyce A, et al., editors. Endotext [Internet]. South Dartmouth (MA): MDText.com, Inc.; 2000-. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK425702/. Numbers selected represent midpoint in range.
  3. Chaudhury A, Duvoor C, Reddy Dendi VS, Kraleti S, Chada A, Ravilla R, Marco A, Shekhawat NS, Montales MT, Kuriakose K, Sasapu A, Beebe A, Patil N, Musham CK, Lohani GP and Mirza W (2017) Clinical Review of Antidiabetic Drugs: Implications for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Management. Front. Endocrinol. 8:6. doi: 10.3389/fendo.2017.00006. HbA1c estimate represents midpoint of range.
  4. Beverley Balkau, Philip D. Home, Maya Vincent, Michel Marre, Nick Freemantle. Factors Associated With Weight Gain in People With Type 2 Diabetes Starting on Insulin. Diabetes Care Aug 2014, 37 (8) 2108-2113; DOI: 10.2337/dc13-3010
  5. Livongo Health, Empowering People with Chronic Conditions, September 2018