Closing the Gap: Making More Equitable Diabetes Healthcare a Reality

How Digital Health is Closing Gaps in Health Equity

The pursuit of health equity is a popular topic of conversation, but the hard work to actually reduce disparities requires bold risk-taking and constant iteration in how we deliver care. This new report explores how health disparities contribute to a higher prevalence and worsening outcomes in type 2 diabetes, and how we can make more equitable care a reality, including:

  • A closer look at the impact of Social Determinants of Health on diabetes care
  • New care models with promising results for reversing disparities
  • Analysis of Virta patient's health outcomes across socioeconomic conditions, race, and ethnicity

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Closing the Gap: Making More Equitable Diabetes Healthcare a Reality

How Digital Health is Closing Gaps in Health Equity

The pursuit of health equity is a popular topic of conversation, but the hard work to actually reduce disparities requires bold risk-taking and constant iteration in how we deliver care. This new report explores how health disparities contribute to a higher prevalence and worsening outcomes in type 2 diabetes, and how we can make more equitable care a reality, including:

  • A closer look at the impact of Social Determinants of Health on diabetes care
  • New care models with promising results for reversing disparities
  • Analysis of Virta patient's health outcomes across socioeconomic conditions, race, and ethnicity

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