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Dr. Setu Vora

Chief Medical Officer

Dr. Setu Vora serves as the Chief Medical Officer of the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation in Connecticut. He leads the health system and oversees population health, self funded health plans, employee health, independent TPA, Tribal Pharmacy, PBM, and healthcare enterprises. He is a practicing physician, board certified in Internal Medicine, Pulmonary Diseases, Critical Care Medicine, and Sleep Medicine. 

Dr. Vora has been a critical advocate for reversing diabetes for Pequot Healthcare members, and has partnered with Virta since 2019. Watch his interview below to understand the challenges he’s overcome and his philosophy behind food as medicine.

"Look at the ROH return on health, and then verify with an ROI. There's clear-cut evidence that by eliminating diabetes-specific medications, there is savings on the pharmacy side that pays for itself for the whole Virta program. We have numbers to show that over 60% of members who are on this program, at two years, that they're able to reverse, eliminate medications for diabetes altogether. We also know that about 70% of insulin is reduced or eliminated completely. And the total dose is down by 90% or more."
Dr. Setu Vora

Hear from

Dr. Setu Vora

What is your vision for health and wellbeing for MPTN?

How big of a problem has diabetes been for MPTN?

What have you heard from your employees about Virta and its reversal treatment?

What is your point of view on the economic value of diabetes reversal?

What breakthroughs have you had after starting to reverse diabetes in your population?

How can Virta continue to support MPTN?

Dr. Setu Vora

What is your vision for health and wellbeing for MPTN?

How big of a problem has diabetes been for MPTN?

What have you heard from your employees about Virta and its reversal treatment?

What is your point of view on the economic value of diabetes reversal?

What breakthroughs have you had after starting to reverse diabetes in your population?

Gratitude from

Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation


Patient Gratitude

In a few months I have gone from a Type 2 Diabetic with a high A1C to a prediabetic with lower A1C and have lost a lot of weight in the process. I had done all sorts of things to lose weight and get healthy but nothing worked. I see progress every day on Virta. Thank you for giving Foxwoods employees this advantage! I wish more people were reaching out to use it.

This has been a gift to a healthier and more fulfilling life. I am so grateful! Having my metabolic health in check makes me a better employee with tons of energy and an optimistic outlook. Thank you for the opportunity. I hope more employees will have an opportunity to participate in this program and change their lives for the better.

I’m just starting the Virta treatment, but I’m excited about reversing my diabetes and getting healthy. I’m grateful that MPTN is willing to look out for its employees long-term wellbeing. Thank you so much!

You've given me a chance to get my life back. Without this opportunity I would not have one. You make it easy for me to have a place to go to for support. I love everything about Virta it has certainly made a difference

Virta has been a real life-changer for me. My primary care doctor had been talking about injectables being the next step down the conventional diabetes treatment trail. I have lived with following the recommended ADA diet of 45-60 carbs per meal for years. It was killing me. This plan has given me hope and I've already begun seeing positive changes. I am so glad you offered this program.

Thank you all for offering this program to me and my fellow employees the Virta program has changed my life. again Thank You MPTN

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