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Nathan Gregory

Deputy Director of Human Resources

Nathan Gregory is a human resources executive with more than 20 years of experience in the benefits and wellness space. At the City of Fort Worth, he manages the wellness and benefits of over 11,000 members, including employees and retirees that span a wide mix of all ages and backgrounds. His commitment to serving his community first led him to tackle the largest disease state in his population—diabetes. Partnering with Virta eventually led to a paradigm shift in his benefits strategy and his underlying beliefs around diabetes management.

Watch his interview to learn more about his breakthrough.

"My advice to those that are thinking about Virta is don't think too long about it. Virta is a better way...that some of our diabetics can be reversed and can get off their medication rather than just focusing on controlling it."
Nathan Gregory

Hear from

Nathan Gregory

In your career as a benefits leader, what made you decide now was the time to tackle diabetes?

What made you decide to move from diabetes management to diabetes reversal?

You've seen some really impressive progress so far—what excites you the most?

Nathan Gregory

In your career as a benefits leader, what made you decide now was the time to tackle diabetes?

What made you decide to move from diabetes management to diabetes reversal?

You've seen some really impressive progress so far—what excites you the most?

Gratitude from

City of Fort Worth


Patient Gratitude

Ready to start reversing diabetes for your population?

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