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Troy Remy

Vice President of Human Resources

Troy Remy has spent over 30 years in the human resources management space, and is now leading benefits and wellness administration at Canal Barge, one of the largest lube oil transportation companies in the world. In line with the progressive, climate-friendly mission of the marine transportation company, Troy has prioritized a progressive benefits management strategy for his employee population, which has been disproportionately affected by diabetes. His people-first approach started with listening closely to the unique needs of his population. From there, he's built trusted relationships with his members, and introduced them to Virta's diabetes reversal treatment that snowballed to impact hundreds of members’ lives.

Listen to Troy’s story below.

"If you're looking to address employee productivity and secondarily cost, having employees engage with Virta has demonstrated to me that we're putting people first by addressing their health… this is truly putting employees first.”
Troy Remy

Hear from

Troy Remy

Why is diabetes reversal important for your employees at Canal Barge?

What were your biggest diabetes reversal challenges? How is the Virta treatment working so far?

How is diabetes reversal part of Canal Barge’s “people first” strategy?

Troy Remy

Why is diabetes reversal important for your employees at Canal Barge?

What were your biggest diabetes reversal challenges? How is the Virta treatment working so far?

How is diabetes reversal part of Canal Barge’s “people first” strategy?

Gratitude from

Canal Barge


Patient Gratitude

Ready to start reversing diabetes for your population?

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